EU - Horizon 2020 - Ideas Program (ERC)

Last updated: 
24 January 2021
RGP Contact Person: 
AdG / Advanced Grant
CoG / Consolidator Grant
ERC / European Research Council
PoC / Proof of Concept Grant
RGP / Research Grants and Projects Office
StG / Starting Grant
SyG / Synergy Grant


The ERC ("Ideas") program operates on a bottom-up approach, in that researchers can submit proposals across all research fields, without predetermined priorities. Evaluation of proposals is carried out by peer review on the sole criteria of scientific excellence.

Download the ERC (Ideas) work programme for: 2019 and 2020.

The current ERC funding schemes are:

  • Starting Independent Research Grants (StG): Designed to support excellent PIs at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme.
  • Consolidator Grants (CoG): Designed to support excellent PIs at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme.
  • Advanced Investigator Research Grants (AdG): Designed to support excellent PI at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements.
  • Synergy Grants (SyG): Designed to enable minimum two to maximum four Principal Investigators and their teams to bring together complementary skills, knowledge, and resources in new ways, in order to jointly address ambitious research problems.
  • Proof of Concept (PoC) Funding: Aims to maximise the value of research funded by the ERC funds, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects.

The main characteristics are summarized in the table below:

Proof of Concept
# of PIs 1* 1* 1* 2-4* 1
(up to)
(+ €1M**)
(+ €1M**)
(+ €1M**)
(+ €4M**)

(up to)

5 years 5 years 5 years 6 years 18 months****


Independent researchers, who on the 1 January of the respective call's year, are 2-7 years*** after receiving their PhDs Independent researchers, who on the 1 January of the respective call's year, are 7-12 years*** after receiving their PhDs Independent researchers with a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years Applicant PIs may be at any career stage (i.e. Starting, Consolidator or Advanced) and must present an early achievement track-record or a ten-year track-record, whichever is most appropriate for their career stage PIs with either an active ERC grant, or a grant that ended under 12 months before 1 January of the respective call's year. Only one PoC project may be running at any one time for the same ERC research project

View the ERC policy on PhD and equivalent doctoral degrees (2020).

*In addition to the PI, additional team members may be added. The constitution of the research teams is flexible. Depending on the nature of a project the research team may involve team members from other research organisations situated in the same or a different country, including outside the European Union or Associated Countries.

**An additional amount may be requested to cover: (a) eligible "start-up" costs for PIs moving from a another country to the EU or an Associated Country as a consequence of receiving the ERC grant and/or (b) the purchase of major equipment and/or (c) access to large facilities and/or (d) other major experimental and field work costs, excluding personnel costs.

***The effective elapsed time since the award of the first PhD, will be considered reduced for:

  1. Maternity, by 18 months - or if longer by the documented amount of leave actually taken - for each child born before or after the PhD award; Paternity, by the documented amount of paternity leave actually taken.
  2. Long-term illness, clinical training (of up to 4 years) or national service, by the documented amount of leave actually taken by the PI for each incident which occurred after the PhD award.

For all circumstances which take into account documented amount of leave taken or training received, the extension may not exceed the amount of time between the start date of the documented circumstance and the call deadline.

**** The ERC expects that normally, proof of concept projects should be completed within 12 months. However, to allow for those projects that require more preparation time, projects will be signed for 18 months. Given this initial flexibility, extensions of the duration of proof of concept projects may be granted only exceptionally.

Restrictions on proposal submission:

  • For restrictions on proposal submission to the 2019 calls, see pages 19-20 of the 2019 Work Programme linked above.
  • For restrictions on proposal submission to the 2020 calls, see pages 20-21 of the 2020 Work Programme linked above.

Both Work Programmes are available for download at the top of this page.

AdG / Advanced Grant
CoG / Consolidator Grant
ERC / European Research Council
PoC / Proof of Concept Grant
RGP / Research Grants and Projects Office
StG / Starting Grant
SyG / Synergy Grant


A total budget of 13,095 million euro is available for the implementation of the ERC funding schemes under Horizon 2020. The indicative budgets for each of the following calls are listed below.

CALLS FOR THIS ACTIVITY (with indicative budgets and deadlines)

Grant Schemes Call & link to call Budget (€M) Expected Awards
Opening Date (Publication Date) RGP Deadline Agency Deadline Call Evaluation Timeframe
Starting (StG) ERC-2019-StG 580 390 14/09/2018 10/10/2018 17/10/2018 Closed View
ERC-2020-StG 677 455 17/07/2019 03/10/2019 16/10/2019 Closed View
Consolidator (CoG) ERC-2019-CoG 602 314 24/10/2018 31/01/2019 07/02/2019 Closed View
ERC-2020-CoG 657 343 24/10/2019 28/01/2020 04/02/2020 Closed View
Advanced (AdG) ERC-2019-AdG 391 166 21/05/2019 22/08/2019 29/08/2019 Closed View
ERC-2020-AdG 492 209 14/05/2020 19/08/2020 26/08/2020 Closed View
Synergy (SyG) ERC-2019-SyG 400 48 14/09/2018 01/11/2018 08/11/2018 Closed View
ERC-2020-Syg 350 39 18/07/2019 29/10/2019 05/11/2019 Closed View
Proof of Concept
ERC-2019-PoC 20 130 16/10/2018 15/01/2019
ERC-2020-PoC 25 167 15/10/2019 14/01/2020

Indicative dates of evaluation results and grant agreements signature for 2019 calls can be viewed here and for 2020 calls can be viewed here.

***Please make sure to provide the RGP with a copy of your application for review a week prior to submission and of the final submitted application for follow-up purposes!***


AdG / Advanced Grant
CoG / Consolidator Grant
ERC / European Research Council
PoC / Proof of Concept Grant
RGP / Research Grants and Projects Office
StG / Starting Grant
SyG / Synergy Grant

Applicants are encouraged to join the ERC applicants mailing list for information and updates.
Please indicate which funding scheme (StG, AdG, CoG, SyG or PoC) you are interested in.


The information in this section highlights the main features of the application process. The application should be prepared according to the detailed guidelines of the following Information for applicants document (formerly 'ERC Guide for Applicants'):

  1. Starting / Consolidator Grants (ERC-2020-StG / ERC-2020-CoG)
  2. Advanced Grants (ERC-2020-AdG)
  3. Synergy Grants (ERC-2020-SyG)
  4. Proof of Concept Grants (ERC-2020-PoC)

Online Submission
Proposals shall be submitted electronically via the web-based Participant Portal Submission Service (PPSS), for which a User Manual is available. Applicants are strongly advised to submit proposals at least 48 hours in advance of the submission deadlines. Submitted proposals may be modified up until the deadline. Each time the proposal is submitted, the updated version is replaced with the previous one.
The PPSS can be accessed via the specific call in the Participant Portal, as follows:

  • Choose 'Calls and Deadlines' from the menu on the left of this page and click on your chosen call.
  • After being directed to the specific call’s ‘Submission Service’ tab, click ‘START SUBMISSION’.
  • You will now be requested to login to the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) or to register if you do not yet possess a user ID.

User ID
Obtaining a user ID from ECAS is mandatory in order to login to the Participant Portal and to use its various functions, including the submission of proposals and at a later stage, receiving notifications of the evaluation results. The same user ID is used for all later interactions with the agency. Upon registration, when presented with the question "Where Are You From?", please select the option - "External – Partners, Researchers, Citizens”.

PIC Number
When creating the draft proposal, applicants are required to enter Weizmann’s PIC number in the submission system, after which the data concerning Weizmann’s legal status will automatically be completed in the A forms (the proposal’s administrative forms). In order to obtain Weizmann Institute's PIC number, please contact the EU Desk.

NOTE: The PI is required to declare in the proposal administrative forms that s/he has “the written consent of all participants on their participation and on the content of this proposal, as well as of any researcher mentioned in the proposal as participating in the project (either as other PI, team member or collaborator).” Accordingly, please make sure to obtain this consent from any researcher who will particpate in your proposed project.


Use of the templates, their preset formatting and keeping within the page limits where defined is compulsory.

(updated for 2020)
(updated for 2020)
(updated for 2020)
(updated for 2020)
(updated for 2020)
Part B
to be uploaded as PDF files
B1 (template) * B1 (template) * B1 (template) * B1 (template) * B (template)
B2 (template) * B2 (template) * B2 (template) * B2 (template) *

* The templates available here were prepared by the EU-Desk for your convenience. They are based on the templates provided by the ERC, in which, some of the detailed instructions from the ‘Information for applicants’ document have been incorporated.


Proposals will be received by the RGP for processing only after the proposal financial sections have been checked and approved by the Projects Branch of the Finance Department and the Internal Form submitted.

  • Internal budget approval: Please complete the Part B Resource section with your departmental administrator and obtain a budget approval from the Finance Division. We recommend that the budget be prepared and submitted for approval as early as possible, even before the scientific parts of the application are complete.
  • Internal Form: A direct link to a pre-filled online Internal Form will be emailed to you for completion.
  • The Host Institution Support Letter will be provided by the RGP. Please email the EU Desk at least two weeks before the deadline and include the proposal acronym and title. Please review the letter prior to its upload to the PPSS in ‘Part B and Annexes’ section.
  • Internal review: Please provide the RGP with a copy of your application for a review a week prior to submission and of the final submitted application for follow up purposes.


For all activities funded by the European Union, ethics is an integral part of research and is addressed by the EU through the ‘Ethics Appraisal Procedure’ from the proposal stage onwards to ensure that all research activities under H2020 are conducted in compliance with fundamental ethical principles.

Ethics Self-assessment step by step guide  in the proposal preparation stage.

AdG / Advanced Grant
CoG / Consolidator Grant
ERC / European Research Council
PoC / Proof of Concept Grant
RGP / Research Grants and Projects Office
StG / Starting Grant
SyG / Synergy Grant


Under the H2020 framework program including the ERC, the EU contribution will be 100% of the eligible costs. As a consequence all costs related to a specific project can be reported, including salaries of permanent personnel. For more information or questions about the costs eligibility, please contact your Departmental Administrator and/or EU Projects Team (Headed by Sima Cohen) at the Projects Branch in Weizmann’s Finance Division.


A 25% flat rate of the total eligible costs should be used for indirect costs (excluding direct costs of subcontracts).


All costs can be declared in H2020 projects, including salaries of permanent workers (including the PI).


The cost model under which H2020 grants are awarded allows for the partial reimbursement of all salaries, based on actual monthly effort reports (see EFFORT REPORTING below). Please note that further to VATAT regulations, if Tosefet Mehkar Aleph is not requested on a grant from an agency whose guidelines allow for the partial reimbursement of the PI salary, you will NOT be eligible to receive Tosefet Mehkar Bet on grants from this agency.


The EU H2020 Rules for Participation indicate that "Eligible personnel costs shall cover only the actual hours worked by the persons directly carrying out work under the action.” The beneficiary must keep time records for the number of hours declared in writing and approved by the persons working on the action and their supervisors. In the absence of reliable time records of the hours worked on the action, alternative evidence supporting the number of hours declared may be accepted, if it is considered to offer an adequate level of assurance.


For advice on the inclusion of sub-contracting costs in the project's budget, please contact the EU Projects Team (Headed by Sima Cohen) at the Projects Branch in Weizmann’s Finance Division.

AdG / Advanced Grant
CoG / Consolidator Grant
ERC / European Research Council
PoC / Proof of Concept Grant
RGP / Research Grants and Projects Office
StG / Starting Grant
SyG / Synergy Grant


Please read an important message from the VP-TT to Scientists from December 2011 (applicable for multi-beneficiary ERC projects):

"You are hereby advised that it is Weizmann's policy to set out an agreement between all beneficiaries involved in a multi-beneficiary ERC Project. Such agreement will govern (among others): the Project's decision making procedures; rules on dissemination; consideration required by the Beneficiaries for use of their Background or Results, specific exclusion of irrelevant Background, settlement of disputes procedures; liability, indemnification and confidentiality arrangements. Most importantly, such agreement will enable us to safeguard Weizmann's existing intellectual property, which is not relevant to the project. It is therefore essential that you contact Yeda's Legal Department (, Tel: 4094) as soon as you are notified that the application is selected for funding and/or if you have any questions, whether you are the coordinator of the project or participate as a beneficiary."


According to the ERC Regulations, a Supplementary Agreement should be signed between the Weizmann Institute (the beneficiary of the grant) and the principal investigator. The Supplementary Agreement covers the minimum contractual relation between the PI and the beneficiary. The grant under the ERC program is personal: it is given to the PI and continues even if he/she leaves the Institute. Among other things, the Supplementary Agreement defines "Background" (intellectual property, existing prior to the project and relevant to the project) and stipulates that if such Background is needed in order to carry out the project, then, access rights will be granted to the PI by the Institute, even if he/she leaves the Institute, on a royalty free basis. The Supplementary Agreement is prepared by the Research Grants and Projects (RGP) Office, and you will be requested to provide the RGP with the relevant list of Background. Should you have any questions regarding the list of Background, or the intellectual property provisions of the Supplementary Agreement, please contact Yeda's Legal Department (, Tel: 4094).

AdG / Advanced Grant
CoG / Consolidator Grant
ERC / European Research Council
PoC / Proof of Concept Grant
RGP / Research Grants and Projects Office
StG / Starting Grant
SyG / Synergy Grant



ERC Under H2020:

ERC Under FP7: