Mailing Lists

E-mail Subscription Service

The Research Grants and Projects (RGP) Office provides an electronic subscription service (within the Weizmann Institute) which allows you to receive, via e-mail, information regarding funding opportunities administered by the RGP.

The RGP provides electronic notification of funding opportunities using TWO different services:

  1. Combined notifications of funding opportunities: If you opt for this service, you will receive periodic bulletins (normally once every week) with an HTML link to our full announcement. The subjects of these e-mail announcements will be "RGP Bulletin (date)".
    • Advantage: Combined notifications resulting in fewer e-mail messages from our office.
    • Disadvantage: The only way to see the full announcement is via the HTML link to the RGP website (internet), which can only be accessed from within the Weizmann Institute or by authenticating from outside the Weizmann Institute using a SecurID card.
  2. Individual e-mail notifications for EACH potential funding opportunity, in plain text format.
    • Advantage: Gives a more detailed description of funding opportunities without the need for accessing the RGP website.
    • Disadvantage: Receipt of many e-mail messages from our office (an average of approximately 5-10 messages every week).

You may subscribe to one or both of these services by sending a request to Danna Piroyansky (please specify to which of the mailing lists you wish to subscribe).

You must have a valid Weizmann Institute User ID in order to subscribe.