Tzahor Lab


For paraffin sections, trim until you reach your sample (50u) and freeze samples at -200c.
After samples cool, cut sections, before they heat back to room temp, on a fresh part of the knife.

Paraffin for post-hatch Tissues (2+2 Days)

1. PFA 4% 48h RT
2. 70% EToH 1h
3. 95% EToH 1h X 3
4. Isopropyl Alchohol 1h X 2
    O/N on RT
1. Xylen: Isopropyl Alchohol (50:50) 1h
2. Xylen 1hX 3
3. Paraffin 1~1.5h X 3 at 560
4. Sections at 6-8u  

Paraffin for chick embryos

1. PFA 4% O/N at 40C (or 4h at RT)
2. PBS 3X50
3. EToH 30% 1X100
4. EToH 70% 1X100
5. EToH 90% 1X100
6. EToH 100% 2X150
7. Xylen 2X150
8. Paraffin 1X300
9. Paraffin 2X1h